The 8 major villages are Uzorong, Jomtshang, Benshing, Cheya, Mankhar, Gengkhar, Bepam and Dangrong. The landscape of Uzorong can be described as steep sloping land with limited flat land on the lower part of the geog i.e. on the bank of Dangme chhu. This limited flat land provides an area for wetland cultivation. Uzorong is relatively a large geog having an area of 102.1sq. km and located to the south west of Trashigang Dzong . It has borders with Kanglung, Khaling of Trashigang Dzongkhag, Shumar amd Nanong geogs of Pema Gatshel Dzongkhag and Dremetse, Chaskhar and Thangrong geogs of Mongar Dzongkhag. Dangme chhu flowing on the northwest border and Jeeri chhu flowing on the southeast border demarcate the geog from other Dzongkhags.